KESZ ConSteel v15


KESZ ConSteel v15

ConSteel provides a structural analysis software for the design office mainly involved in constructions of steel and composite structures

Consteel has broadened the concept of traditional bar members with the Superbeam
concept, which allows performing the analysis on two consistently generated calculation
models (bar and shell model). The member model in Consteel 15 is still built-up with
conventional 1D bar members, however, with the help of a simple switch, it is possible
for any bar member with welded I-section to switch between using a conventional 7DOF
bar or a shell finite element for the analysis (other section types are coming later). This
makes it possible to examine certain structural parts more thoroughly with the accuracy
of the 2D shell model while keeping the possibility of simple modeling and modification
offered by 1D bar members. It is important to note that this finite element model change
is fully automatic and can be reversed at any time.

Extended modeling of the bar members also allows the incorporation of details such as
web cutouts and stiffeners into the model. The placed detail objects are also
automatically converted into shell members and participate in the stress and buckling

It is possible to place three types of stiffeners:

perpendicular plate

perpendicular profile

parallel plate

The cutouts that can be placed anywhere on the web can also take three forms:




(Note: Structural design (global or member level) is available only for members
calculated with beam finite elements. For members calculated with shell finite elements
